Saturday, April 25, 2015

Day 62

Today was the first time I did an evening run and the weather was absolutely perfect. It was overcast, barely any wind, about 60 degrees and due to the rain everything was green, flowering and beautiful. I ran 7 miles in 1 hour and 9 minutes and three of my seven miles were under 9 minutes! It was a hugely successful and rewarding run and now Im eating pizza because everything needs balance, right?

Today I ran for my Cristina Yang, my Monica Geller, my Kimmy Gibbler, my Carlton Banks, my Kurt Hummel, my Stacy Barrett, my best friend, Katherine Weed.  This time of year with there being only 2 weeks of school left, multiple moves coming up in my future, a new internship starting soon, I'm starting to get stressed out and feel overwhelmed. I know that God never gives us anything we can't handle, and a lot of the time I look to Katherine as a role model. If you don't know Katherine, she is a full time student, a full time mom to the worlds cutest baby, she works full time, and she STILL manages to keep most of her sanity and finds time to see me either in Lincoln or when I visit home. She is basically a rockstar. So many obstacles have been thrown her way, yet she still shines as a fantastic human being and is always there when I need to talk.

Growing up, Katherine and I were literally attached at the hip. First it was dance classes, then I started going to Holdrege for school and from that point on basically where there was Charlene there was Katherine and vice versa. She is the person that I can do everything, anything, and nothing with. Just being around her makes me feel so happy and I feel so blessed to have a friend that I can confide in 100% and know that she will always be there for me. We were going to take on the world together when we went to college together.  Life happens though, and plans change. Don't get me wrong, we are still taking on the world together. There's just more distance between us than planned and one more tiny beautiful soul to love (Mason is seriously perfect).

So 7 miles gave me quite a bit of time to think about everything that is awesome about Katherine and I could sit here and type forever about all the memories we have made (from going through drive throughs with masks on, to when we needed the troops, to all the cakes we've baked, to how we were each others rock freshman year of college for various reasons, to how our lives changed when we ordered our life planners, to all of the tennis matches, dance routines, senior dance, laughs, smiles, tears, fears, and dreams) I simply can't convey how great she is through words. I know that she is my best friend and always will be, from now until that day where we both are married living on the beach with our rich husbands with houses that connect with underground tunnels with private tennis courts, to the day we die (hopefully we both die at the same time because I can't live through the thought of her funeral), she is my person. Love you bestie <3

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